Nora Schnure
As the deputy executive director of personnel and programs, Nora DiChiara guides Duke Farms to achieve its mission of conservation leadership and public inspiration. Under her leadership of a highly effective team in the areas of education, communications, volunteering and community garden management, her work has guided Duke Farms in its conversion from a private estate to an inclusive and impactful center for conservation.
DiChiara’s contributions to the collaborative development and direction of multiple successful programs have led to many honors bestowed on Duke Farms, including awards from the Governor of New Jersey for "Excellence in Environmental Education and Ecological Sustainability," NJ Future's "Smart Growth Award in Environmental Sustainability and Education," and the American Society of Landscape Architects’ Merit Award in Landscape Architectural Communication.
She has established a record of accomplishment in the planning and development of successful Duke Farms programs, as well as solidifying programmatic partnerships with Rutgers University, New Jersey Audubon, the Xerces Society, the American Museum of Natural History, the Central Parks Conservancy, the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey and Princeton University. DiChiara holds a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental policy, institutions and behavior from Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Science.