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Natural climate solutions, strategies that leverage the capacity of ecosystems to absorb and store carbon, have the potential to provide 20% of the nation’s climate mitigation progress while also providing benefits to wildlife and communities. Through the Environment Program, the foundation works to accelerate the use of natural climate solutions as an essential means to mitigate climate change and support rural economic development. To that end, we focus on scaling climate mitigation through protection of intact ecosystems and priority habitats, ecosystem restoration and approaches to improved land management.

To dramatically scale natural climate solutions, we particularly focus on supporting the following activities: 

  • Land restoration approaches like reforestation, through efforts that drive innovation, investment and implementation. 
  • Policy and program frameworks that enable federal and state governments to pursue natural climate solutions.
  • Market-based approaches with high ecological and methodological integrity and accessibility to a diverse array of conservation stakeholders.
  • Science, research and synthesis that underpin the design of effective natural climate solutions policy, programs, and implementation.
  • Innovative finance and new models to scale public and private investment in natural climate solutions. 
  • Strategic communications approaches that deepen key audiences’ understanding of natural climate solutions.