As the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) embarks on the second phase of the African Health Initiative (AHI), we aim to support a global communications and knowledge sharing network coined the “Learning, Engaging and Advocating for Policy and Systems research (LEAP) Forum for Health Systems Strengthening (HSS).” With funding from DDCF, the network LEAP Forum will be led by a team from the World Health Organization, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (“The Alliance”). The network formally coined the “Learning, Engaging and Advocating for Policy and Systems research (LEAP) Forum for Health Systems Strengthening (HSS).” The LEAP Forum leadership will assist DDCF AHI Phase 2 program partners in Ghana, Ethiopia and Mozambique with more effectively translating outcomes from health systems and implementation research to inform policy design and health service delivery. The goal of the LEAP Forum seeks is to accelerate the movement towards more effective use of research to inform policy by bringing together those who seek, support and conduct research in health decision making to better coordinate efforts, approaches and advocacy for the field of HPSR health policy and systems research so as to improve the capacity of governments to make marked improvements in population health.
The foundation will work closely with the LEAP HSS team to ensure that they contribute meaningful, useable products and valuable collaborative learning opportunities for AHI Phase 2 grantees and other leaders in the space implementing health system strengthening interventions.